Saturday, 30 July 2011


Community policing represents a continuation of the established traditions of policing in the society. It flows from three values which are as follow
• The police department believes that the prevention of crimes is its number one priority.

• The police department involves the community in the delivery of its services.

• The police department holds itself accountable to the community it serves.
The 10 underlying principles of community policing are:
1. Crime prevention is the responsibility of the total community.

2. The police and the community share ownership, responsibility, and accountability for the prevention of crime.

3. Police effectiveness is a function of crime control, crime prevention, problem solving, community satisfaction, quality of life, and community engagement.

4. Mutual trust between the police and the community is essential for effective policing.

5. Crime prevention must be a flexible, long-term strategy in which the police and community collectively commit to resolving the complex and chronic causes of crime.

6. Community policing requires knowledge, access, and mobilization of community resources.
7. Community policing can only succeed when top management police and government officials enthusiastically support its principles and tenets.

8. Community policing depends on decentralized, community-based participation in decision-making.

9. Community policing allocates resources and services, based on analysis, identification, and projection of patterns and trends, rather than incidents.

10. Community policing requires an investment in training with special attention to problem analysis and problem solving, facilitation, community organization; communication, mediation and conflict resolution, resource identification and use, networking and linkages, and cross-cultural competency.
                                                                                 SHAHID RASHID

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